If it's to be it's up to me comes to mind. If this is bugging you that much, then you all need to sit down and discuss a satisfactory solution regarding contributions, expectations, understandings, whose home it really is and so on.
Our family (when my dad was alive as well), were used to pulling together and we'd all empty our pockets, money jars etc on the table back in the 80's to muster up enough till the next incomes came in and work together. Back then of course we lived mortgage free, cut our own firewood for heating, had chickens, ducks, couple lambs etc for the table growing outside and so on and so forth. Life was so simple and we had no spare cash, but we were just oh so happy back then with much less.
For sure we'd have my dad live with us, and our youngest daughter says the same of us, and would support each other as we've always done over the generations. However, not one of us is selfish in any shape or form when it comes to helping each other out. If that were the case, it just wouldn't work whatsoever, and I for one would be off and sell up everything. In our family it's always been united we stand, divided we fall, and it's never failed us. We don't have that "ours" and "yours" when it comes to material things, it's all of ours and always has been. Our future son-in-law loves it as well.
You really need to address this situation or accept it continues for the foreseeable. We all have a tongue in our mouths, and whilst typically most of us avoid confrontation for the mostpart, sometimes to let things fester is a million times worse on the outcome!