2oldman wrote:
Sounds like dementia. Wait until you have to wipe his butt.
You're absolutely right and I'm still laughing! :B
Magilla, I can understand you're predicament and can see this as a semi funny post, but also a way to vent, as long as your wife doesn't read the forum or will have someone tell her what you wrote.
We care for my MIL, but she lives in an Assisted Living Facility nearby. It sounds simple, but out of her five children, three who live less than 20 minutes away, we're the only ones who care for her. This included managing her finances, selling her home, medical visits and personal product purchases. We also battle off her other children who all owe her money and are constantly asking for money from their 89 year old mother.
My wife visits her weekly and handles her personal needs. We do her doctor visits together and any other need to move her (wheelchair bound).
With all that said, I made a deal with my wife 6 years ago when we took all of this on. The deal was that we were not going to let her care, finances or interaction with her other kids come between us or cause a disruption in our marriage. This has worked well and when tensions rise, my wife is good about realizing what's more important. Her mother still gets great care. Make sure you and your wife are in agreement with what's going on and you can live with the arrangement.