Two stories:
The official "History" of Murphy's law says that Murphy was a color blind technician on the rocket sled (NASA) project back in the 50s. He had the habit of hooking a blue wire to a green screw and things like that. (Trust me that does not work well). (NO, I did not do it, someone else did on one of my projects).
When a reporter ask some General what was taking so long he said:
"It's that D*** MURPHY, If there's any way to do it wrong he will".
However that is the 2nd discovery of Murphy's law.
Now Chowder pots, I mean really big ones, are EXPENSIVE so they often serve multi uses.. Laundry tub,, Baby's bath.. Water heater for the big bath...
So imagine when the Murphy's had half the town over and they dipped into the chowder and ladled out a pair of Mr. Murphy's concrete bespeckled trousers.
Mrs. Murphy fainted straight away.
Now this being an Irish gathering thost gathered there started calling out:
Who threw the overalls in Mrs. Murphy's Chowder?
Well nobody answered (I mean Mrs. Murphy was passed out in a faint so she could not own up to her mistake) So they shouted all the louder.
It's an Irish Trick it's true, I can kick the mick who threw, the overalls in Mrs. Murphy's Chowder.