I would not want to use any of the WIFI Hot Spots if I was paying bills online... Probably safe and nothing would never happen but why put yourself in that open situation...
We use the VERIZON MIFI secure MIFI connections and havent had any problems in the past 5-6 years we have been doing this. In my travel years when i was working we all carried VERIZON AIR CARDS and connected thru VPN for all our company connections...
Alot of folks really like to use antennas and other strange gizmos to use all the open WIFI hot stops they can connect too.. I guess because its free to use. Ocassionally I see some YAGIe type antennas pointing to close by towns to check into the internet through someones hot spot... Not my cup of tea haha...
Who knows if I am any better off using the Verizon Secure MIFI net but makes me feel like I am and I have no problems checking into the Internet almost anywhere we go to with a great conenction... Using the MIFI connection we can use up to five WIFI connections all at the same time everywhere we go even driving down the road. If the cell phone works on Verizon then the MIFI unit is going to work.
Roy Ken