Forum Discussion

WeMosey's avatar
Oct 23, 2013

Wife fearful in Class A

We have sold our truck & 5th wheel, and are looking at Class As. DW, however, feels quite fearful riding in the ones that we have looked at. Not sure if it's the big windows, or just the size of the Class A as compared to riding in a truck, or just a combination of things. Has anyone else's wife experienced this fear? And was she able to overcome it?
  • othertonka types faster than me..beat me by one minute..!!..:B:B:B....Dennis
  • othertonka wrote:
    Most of the fear comes from the fact that new class A drivers have a tendency to drive too far to the right of the lane and that makes the passenger feel like she is going off the side of the road. If you don't believe it, try riding in that passengers seat and Have a new driver drive while you experience what it feels like. So to make it more comfortable for her, try and hug the center line a little more, which will in turn give her a better feeling that you are not going to run off the road on her side. The feeling is worse if there is guard rails on either side and no shoulder. practice and maybe have her ride on the couch for a few times until she gets used to it.

    Excellent advise, wish I would have said it this well
  • Ride in the right front one time. The view from that side is MUCH DIFFERENT than the left. My wife kept telling me I was over the white shoulder line all the time. I could tell I wasn't using my mirrors, but to her, it appeared we were. This made her nervous. I did two things to help. First, I travel a little closer to the center lane which gives her a better perspective on her side, and two I drive slower. The latter made a big difference. We travel mostly on secondary roads so it's important that the passenger feels comfortable. Remember you're only eight feet wide traveling on a twelve foot lane. You've got four feet to play with......

    oh! one other thing that would cure her is to let her drive....:B:B....Dennis
  • Most of the fear comes from the fact that new class A drivers have a tendency to drive too far to the right of the lane and that makes the passenger feel like she is going off the side of the road. If you don't believe it, try riding in that passengers seat and Have a new driver drive while you experience what it feels like. So to make it more comfortable for her, try and hug the center line a little more, which will in turn give her a better feeling that you are not going to run off the road on her side. The feeling is worse if there is guard rails on either side and no shoulder. practice and maybe have her ride on the couch for a few times until she gets used to it.
  • timmac wrote:
    She will get use to it after your 1st trip and having the bathroom available at anytime will be a big plus.

    I remember when I brought home mSTst class A motorhome, took wife for a drive on highway and when we came to a overpass she freaked and hit the floor, she thought for sure we were going to hit it, LOL, will never forget that day..

    Same here the prospective in the right seat is unnerving but it passes and the view from up high trumps all other fears.
  • She will get use to it after your 1st trip and having the bathroom available at anytime will be a big plus.

    I remember when I brought home my 1st class A motorhome, took wife for a drive on highway and when we came to a overpass she freaked and hit the floor, she thought for sure we were going to hit it, LOL, will never forget that day..
  • Sitting higher....closer with that huge frontal view can be unnerving for some.

    Whether they get over it.......depends on the person.

    More test drives....see if she starts getting comfortable.

    Course with a MH she could just go in the back :B