WeMosey wrote:
OP's wife here. I think one of the things that scares me is the irrational fear that we're rocking/rolling and about to tip over -- which I know in my head is not true. But I feel like I'm on a carnival ride. And I don't like carnival rides!
AH, now that... We can fix (Believe it or not)
There are three things many motor homes benefit from...
First, and most important to you is a SWAY BAR.. Sway is side to side rocking of the motor home, like fans at a rock concert First it is like this \.. Then like this | Then like this / then it sways back to where it started.. You want it to be like this |||||| all the time.
A Sway bar. .If it rocks, transfers weight through a torsion system so as to make it stay more upright all the time.
Next is a TRACK bar.. Also called a Pan Hard bar, this "locks" the body (Side to side) over the axle so it does not "wag"
When a motor home "Wags" the rear can move to the right as the front moves toward the left. This makes the driver think he is moving toward the center line and he then compensates
The pan hard bar, by stopping the wag, makes it drive much easier
Third is a steering stablizer
These devises, Such as the Saf-T-Steer or the Blue Ox True Center, do their best to keep you going STRAIGHT down the road.. They can be a big help if things go ... Wrong (IE a tire blows) by the way, but are of help when everything works as designed.
I put the last two on my RV,, Though only one (Front) track bar, I'll do the rear later if I get ye old round tuit.