Forum Discussion

darin338's avatar
Nov 13, 2013

Will my pipes freeze?

Tonight where I'm at the temperature will be 27 degrees outside from 2am to 8am. My motorhome is in storage, no heat force just outside.

Do you think 27 degrees for 6 hours is long enough to freeze my pipes.

  • jhilley wrote:
    The coach usually retains enough heat so that 27 degrees over night doesn't pose a problem. I would drain and blow out as soon as possible though.

  • Lots of math involved. How warm it got during the day and if it was sitting in the sun would be important to know too. 27 is probably borderline. i froze the hose outside at 27 once, but the next night I let the sink drip and it didn't freeze.

    I'd winterize just to be safe.
  • A supply hose in outside conditions could freeze in under an hour. The inside areas of a coach take much longer. The pipes inside, depending on what type you have, can freeze, expand, and return to normal after freezing - IF YOU'RE LUCKY. Replacing frozen pipes and fittings wherever the freeze MAY require removel of wall panels etc. - there's no reason to allow this. Never leave the water on to the coach - don't rely on ANY system to keep the coach heated. If it isn't winterized, check to be sure it is heated. Pour antifreeze into drains and traps - a frozen trap can leave a slow leak which will cause a lot of damage over time. I once had to remove almost the entire bathroom to access the tub drain system - no fun!

    I would always heat my coach while it waited to go to warmer areas. I felt it was worth the utllity coast vs. the cost to winterize. I kept a freeze alarm light in the window for ocasional checks.
  • The coach usually retains enough heat so that 27 degrees over night doesn't pose a problem. I would drain and blow out as soon as possible though.
  • You better drain the water or put some kind of heater in your coach and open all the drawers so that the heat can work its way to where the pipes are. Yes 27 degrees is cold enough to do some damage to your pipes.
  • Yep! long does it take your fridge to make ice cubes..:h...Dennis
  • If you have water in them good chance. Just blow out with air and you will be fine.