rgatijnet1 wrote:
Whenever YOU feel uncomfortable is when YOU should pull over. Everyone's abilities and everyone's coach is different so the only thing that really matters is when YOU want to call it quits.
The more you drive in the Great Plains the more you will get used to the wind but, like anything else, it takes practice. There are times, in that area of the country, that you will experience many continuous days of strong winds and your only choice is to drive in it or sit. Usually, but not always, the winds are lighter early in the morning which may give you a chance to move on down the road to another location.
I have four corner air bags and I pump them up hard on a windy day. This stabilizes the lean of the coach and I have had no problem with 50+ MPH crosswinds but every coach is different.
Well said, it is also good to take frequent breaks to give your tense arms and hands a rest