We thought ours had it, doesn't. Probably a good thing. It seems like, unless you have a Gerard set-up (we don't) the awning angle over a front room slide is real susceptible to wind. I suspect ours would automatically retract from a good sneeze. Manually, I bring it in at even the slightest breeze. It's pretty useless. A fantastic Newmar dealer in Moorpark (from Corona it is worth your drive) warned us that you can't just put the awning out & forget it. Wind gusts are the real culprit. Case in point. Sitting in a high end park about a year ago in No Cal. Guy pulls in with a 45' Zephyr towing a brand new Cadillac SUV. We start talking. He mentions his Gerard's had failed to retract during a heavy rain/wind storm at their last site. They were severely damaged. A mobile repair unit had to come in & fix them. He was a great guy, but actually had a mobile RV wash clean his coach because there were too many bugs on the front of it. I suspect he just put the awnings out & relied totally on the sensors.
FYI. Our next coach will be a DS. We're in Murrieta. The dealership in Moorpark would be our first choice. Northern Oregon second.