rv2go wrote:
P3TC wrote:
Could it be the rubber roof material "ballooning" going down the road?
I have seen that many times on motorhomes in the opposite lanes at highway speeds.
Winnebago has a 10 year warranty on their fiberglass roof.
Well, sort of. The material may have a 10 year warranty - the installation sure doesn't. And lets face it, Winnie doesn't have the greatest track record with their roofs.
Being a Winnie I'd sure be checking the sealant that holds the fiberglass down. Could be air getting under and she's about to peel.
Was it the Vista that was just recalled so they could tape the roof down with Eternabond?
I just found this on another site, in regards to a Winnie Vista;
Just got back from talking with the service department. This recall/service campaign requires them to put eternabond across the seam where the fiberglass front cap meet the roof. They are putting a strip of eternabond all along that seam. Service person advised apparently Winnebago saw something they didn't like in some units along that seam and issued this fix.And a follow up post with more information;
Further explanation from my service tech when calling Winnebago for clarification. The recall\service campaign requires them to put Eternabond down the length of the coach on both sides where they have that problematic caulk seal that everyone complains about giving them problems. They ordered mine as it is supposed to color match. When I saw the letter I was hoping that was the case and it was!