Mich F wrote:
My Itasca 31K has a ladder with a 225# weight limit, with a sticker telling you not to exceed that or you can get injured and what not. If you use that ladder and get to the roof, you are greeted by another sticker which says "STAY OFF THE ROOF it may be slippery and if you fall off it could result in death or serious injury". They are definitely trying to discourage people from going on the roof.
Hmmm .... my Itasca 324V has a ladder with no warnings anywhere and I've been up and down it many times since we bought it new in 2006 .... and I weigh between 210 and 235 lbs. depending on how long it's been since the last Thanksgiving meal. The ladder feels as solidly screwed on as the day we bought it. I've tried to tighten the stainless steel ladder mounting screws several times, just in case, and they won't budge at all. They're screwed into something really solid within the wall.
I wonder if Winnebago is trying to legally cover themselves more now than they were back when we bought ours .... of if they're really cheaping out on construction over what they used to.
If manufacturers are trying to discourage people from going up on the roofs of their RVs .... then the manufacturers jolly well better construct them so that they never leak over the life of the RV as delivered from the factory, and jolly well better construct them so that the plastic components up there never break down and crack from the sun's ultraviolet rays over the life of the RV as delivered from the factory. :h