Forum Discussion

JayGee's avatar
Jan 01, 2014

Winnebago vertical exhaust heat shield

A piece of sheet metal that was spot welded vertically to the frame running along the passenger side of the motor home separating the space between engine exhaust and propane tank and propane line leading back for about 6 feet has fallen off. There is about 15-18 inches between the exhaust and the propane stuff.

My question is this, would I be as well protected to cover the propane tank and pipe with a heat shield fiber cloth/tape as I would to try and reattach the metal heat shield?
Just looking for opinions......
  • One spot weld on mine broke years ago. I drilled a hole through it and the frame then bolted it in place with a 1/4 stainless steel bolt. lock washer and nut.
  • remount the shield, it directs airflow and blocks heat from LP tank. Make brackets or weld.
  • In many cases the shield is there to help with airflow over the passenger side exhaust manifold. Ours has one even though the propane tank is on the opposite side. Due to direction the cooling fan rotates the passenger side manifold runs hotter leading to busted studs and cracked manifolds. I would not wrap the manifold, that will cause it to run hotter.
  • I would guess that it would be preferable to shield the propane stuff from the heat rather than to wrap the exhaust pipe and contain the heat within that.
  • Wrap the exhaust with heat shield wrap used for headers. See this link for Summit Racing - LINK