Forum Discussion

SuperBus's avatar
Oct 26, 2019

Winter Storage - Cover at Home or Store at Indoor Facillity?

I recently dropped my coach off at a local indoor storage facility - a first for me. In past years I had a barn of a friend available but he has moved and I no longer have that option. A few days have passed and I feel very uneasy about it being more or less completely in the hands of the site owner. It has nothing to do with the owner in particular, just the fact that it is his building, the facility is subject to his maintenance and upkeep and his security choices - all that which determines whether or not my coach comes out the way it went in at the end of March 2020.

To further intensify my unease, he mentioned he might need it moved in a few weeks when the last of his customers bring their coaches in, and said "I think I could move it"; its a 45' London Aire. I told him to call me and I'll be there in a heartbeat to move it myself. When parking it he didn't instill to much confidence based on how he directed me into the rather tight space. I'm pretty sure he was trying to tear a mirror off a Mountain Aire with the back of my bus. Thank goodness my sister was there to direct me in too. Then he talked of fire due to bad battery tenders at other automotive storage facilities. Yikes.

My only other viable option is to get a cover made and keep it outdoors this winter. It would be subject to snow and wind and everything else Michigan has to offer in our 6 month "season" of winter. I am not thrilled about this option either as it means I'll have to monitor the cover, clean the occasional 12" of snow of the roof, etc. I am also concerned about the wind cycling the cover on the exterior - potentially inducing scratching. Due to a run in with a palm leaf/branch in Naples, I have some scratches to buff/compound out anyway next year, so maybe this isn't a huge deal as long as the cover wouldn't do a number on my finish. Due to my coach's length, I would need to do something like this:

Once again I have written a novella, my apologies. Anyhow, I am interested in the opinions and better yet experiences of anyone who has used a cover. I need to pull my bus from the indoor facility by Monday if I chose to do so, before it gets buried behind several other coaches that are coming in after the weekend. Thanks!

I did search the forum and only found this result. I hope I can get a bit more feedback than this poor guy...