Really appreciate the input, assistance, & links that you all took the time to provide. Yes this is the first time I will be looking into storage for the Winter.
I expect that we will be on the road for Thanksgiving & Christmas visiting family & friends. After that the final process will be initiated. The RV came with the hot water system shut off and bypassed, however you prefer to say it. That will help as it will remain closed.
For now I poured some RV antifreeze down each sink and trap to hold them, as we try to use them as little as possible. Put some RV antifreeze to mix with the water holding tank for now to use to flush toilet, etc. We use bottled water & jug water for drinking purposes, etc.
Will add Sta-Bil to gasoline & run generator & engine for awhile. Have to remember to remove batteries from engine & back up dc system, if necessary?? Intend to jack up unit & purchase a RV cover. Have to shop around for that to see where I can find a reasonable cover for the unit?
Should I leave the unit plugged into AC? What's the advantages or trade-offs. Not sure if it will keep the batteries charged and not have to take them out. Your input would be appreciated. Hope this helps! KC