topflite51 wrote:
harold1946 wrote:
topflite51 wrote:
moodier wrote:
Been out of MH for long time but just sold my Eagle Bus and going to something smaller.Looking at a 2008 26'Itasca Sunova really neat but sounds like Workhorse chassis is no longer with us?After 15+ years with a unit that had to really hunt for parts don't want to get into another unit that won't be able to get easily fixed.If they are no longer produced means parts and mechanics will get harder to find!Any thoughts on this??
It can and will be a problem down the line, and in some cases it already is. How much of a problem nobody really knows at this time. Make no mistake, those who claim that it will not be a problem are simply whistling Dixie.
Thats quite a bold statement. What parts are there that are not available? Its a Chevrolet truck chassis, using the same components .
The only component not being produced is the 8.1L V8, but there are crate engines available.
I believe you have the chicken little syndrome.
No chicken little syndrome here. First it is NOT a Chevrolet truck chassis as you claim. There are a lot of parts that are not the same as you claim, as Workhorse used and exercised the practice of cheapest supplier, hence the use of Bosch brakes on the W20 and 22 series. Actia, the dash display manufacturer is having problems locating certain parts for repairs, as that is not a Chevrolet truck chassis part, either. A friend has resorted to a piece of black electrical tape to cover his ABS warning light as the sensors on HIS rig are not available from ANYONE according to his Workhorse dealer (who is also a Chevrolet truck center). I know of someone who had to replace his MH's 8.1 engine had to order a different water pump as the new crate engine's water pump supplied by Workhorse was incorrect. Same chassis, I think not.
More like the typical ramblings of Ford vrs GM. Every part you just mentioned is readily available but "your friend" just doesn't know where to go. There are places that still repair the Actia dashes. Geeze, some even advertise on eBay. The ABS sensors are available online overnight. The new crate engine water pump will work, but it will not last as long because the standard WH water pump, which is still available, has a larger main bearing. The larger bearing water pump can be bought from RockAuto. The facts are that those like you that have always loved Fords, will always feel that GM's are bad, and vice versa. The real facts are that your electrical tape "friend" doesn't have the intelligence to find his own parts, or find a mechanic that knows how easy it is to find WH parts.