Does it make financial sense to do this. Probably not. Owning an RV is not a very good investment.
My 18 year old son was just given a 1991 Chevrolet pick up by his Aunt and Uncle. They were original owners. It has just 90,000 miles in 25 years. It needs all kinds of work that you might imagine. Tune-up, paint, interior, brakes, rotors, etc. He will easily put more money into that truck fixing it up than it will be worth. But, that is not the point. He is doing the work. His labor is free. And what he is learning is priceless. He can spend money on the truck as he earns it. And in the end, he will have built it, his way.
It is not always all about the money. If it was, nobody would own an RV. I certainly would not own two! Anything can be fixed. I say do it. Keep track of how much it cost you. I can almost guarantee it will cost at least twice what you think it will!
Good luck.