Tiger4x4RV wrote:
Discount Tire does it for me. A variety of tires, good service.
You should think of your small C as a truck when buying tires. When I talk about driving mine, I call it The Truck. When I talk about the living quarters, it is The Camper. :-)
I buy all of my tires from Discount Tire. I don't care where you are in the United States, they stand behind them.
My Pick-Up My RV, and SWMbO's aka "She Who Must be Obeyed" Van all tires were bought at the same Discount Tire Store. Last year we were on a trip and had an inside dual go flat. When we got home I went to the shop I use, I replaced all 7 of my tires. I paid for 6 tires and they replace the 7h Tire for no charge.