Stop by your local rv dealer and take a look at the 19-21' C's that are priced right at or just under $50,000. Check them out thoroughly and now will know the meaning of the euphemism "entry level". They get better as you tour different brands hopefully moving up in quality. This is a good starting point if you intend to buy used, which I highly recommend.
By the time you have seen the higer end of the C's like Born Free, Platinum,Winnebago, Itasca and yes Nexus you will begin to truely appreciate the differences. Bang for the buck is a very good concept. Look for quality construction, fiberglass roof and end caps, no particle board or plywood, innerspring mattress, top of the line appliances as well as adequate AC/heating systems. Now when a great deal on a quality coach comes along and they are out there, you will know. Good hunting!:C