Should work on the painted aluminum but as suggested do a test area first. It's going to take a bunch of coats initially and for the first three or so will look pretty bad. Apply very lightly. Watch for runs, bubbles, missed dirt and bugs. Wax over them and they well be one with the coach until you stripe the coating off.
Be very careful with anything you use later to clean the coach or roof. Strong detergents will eat away at the coating and if it gets under it will cause flaking. No blue window cleaner, spray and wipe, bleach, strong cleaners, ammonia and such. I only use a mild dish soap to clean the bugs off the front or touch ups if necessary.
The image is my 8 year old coach was a wash and re-wax last weekend. Has spent it's entire life out in the weather. Three light coats is all that was needed to back to the factory shine. Fourth year with RMP and still using the original 1/2 gallon. Down to about a 1/3 remaining. It doesn't take much to get a shine. Also works on plastic head light lenses. Fills in the pitting and scratches that cause fogging. Adds a long lasting shine to the hard rubber trim around windows and windshield just don't get it on the glass.