Wavesprite wrote:
We use our foodsaver and do some prep work first. We freeze in marinade chicken breasts, we buy bulk hamburger from our butcher and then we freeze them very flat in the the foodsaver bags (they defrost quick then). We also premake burgers and foodsaver them. We marinade a tritip or two, and the becomes dinner one night and leftovers for tacos or sandwiches the next. We take lunch meat, hot dogs, sausages, eggs, etc...
The hardest part for us is veggies, we love a salad and obviously that can't last forever, so we end up buying a head of lettuce at an expensive market if we can.
When you are in Yellowstone, I would suggest a quick drive out to West Yellowstone, such a cute place and they have the Grizzly / Wolf discovery center...you could get groceries there for sure.
I'm warming up to the beauty of salad mixes found in the refrigerated section of the produce aisle. As long as I wash and re-dry it myself I feel comfy from a health stance.
Just as a prep head's up, peppers and onions flash freeze nicely. For some trips I put up a quart or Ziploc gallon bag of each to travel with.
Great for stir frys, stews, to enrich soup bases whether homemade or store bought or really wherever your imagination takes you. No need to discuss how much time it saves you.