Forum Discussion

Noel's avatar
Oct 29, 2018

A brandy Manhattan......?

YES!! Years ago, around 1995, a bartender I knew advised he had invented a brandy Manhattan. Usual ingredients, except he substituted brandy in lieu of bourbon or rye. Really good. As I was being driven back to work....I puked out the window. (Maybe I ingested 3 of these).

OK, FF to today. Wanted to make a Manhatan, but no whiskey in the house. So, I got out some Christian Brothers brandy and made one. By Gar, it was good. (Had 2, but no visit to Ralph.... on the Big White Phone).

Try might like it.
  • Or, you could just drink beer. No recipes to remember. :)
  • The Brandy Manhattan in various formats has been my drink of choice for about 30 years. Never bothered with bitters but a shot of decent brandy on the rocks with just a tiny splash of sweet vermouth {nothing ruins a Brandy Manhattan quicker than too much vermouth, seriously just a little bit} works well for me.

    If you want to kick it up a notch try adding {to the above formula} just a tiny splash of good bourbon. Best to build your own as I have rarely had any luck ordering them in a bar... they always seem to go heavy on the vermouth... arrrg!

  • donn0128 wrote:
    Dont even remember what is in a manhatan

    Kinda like a whiskey martini
    Rye, vermouth & bitters

    Goes back to the 1860's

    I prefer my hard liquor mixes, no additional ingredients