Go Dogs wrote:
We have 3 thrift, (Good Will) stores near us. Each one is different. The biggest one has been there for decades. About 25 years ago, I bought a car there for $800, that served me well for another 80,000 miles! I noticed that on Amazon, some thrift stores post their items, (books, etc.)as they got a gem donated and they want to get a good price for it.
BTW: My aebleskiver pan is well-seasoned, as is the Romertopf baker. I gave the aebleskiver another seasoning, (the oven was on 450, anyway) and I scrubbed the Romertopf with some coarse salt. Now, I'm anxious to go back and find my metal detector!
Now, I have never heard of a car at a thrift shop before.
The Good Will shops have closed here. No notice. Open one day closed the next. They were very large places.
If the shops up here have valuable items donated they put them into a silent auction. It works to get the best income for the article but it no longer allows the better items to be bought by those who are financially stressed and the shops were initially started to help those folk who needed help.