Am a little late, but roast chicken is one of my favorite meals. Here's my favorite way. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash and dry the whole bird. Dry really well, especially inside the cavity. I use paper towels. Rub with good olive oil. Sprinkle liberally with Montreal Steak Seasoning, yes steak. Put in a heavy roasting pan, tuck wings under bird and tie legs with kitchen twine. Roast 1 hr to 1hr. 15 min. I like to use natural chickens around 3 lbs. I think chickens with white fat have better flavor. JMO. For a complete meal roast some quartered onions, red potatoes, and peeled carrots cut into like sizes of the onion qtrs, sometimes I use the vegetables as a rack and put the chicken on top of the veggies. Let the chicken rest for 10 minutes before you carve it.