Forum Discussion

magnusfide's avatar
Explorer II
Feb 11, 2015

DOG Calendar of Events: Alabama Dutch Oven Society

The next one is Saturday, 21 February 2015
Tannehill Historical SP, 12632 Confederate Parkway McCalla, AL 35111
Pavillion - Kiwanis

The entire 2015 calendar is at
  • They won't mind at all. It's an open invitation and many cast iron chefs welcome the opportunity to teach others.
  • Would you mind a fellow RV'r stopping by to check out how to use a dutch oven? We've been looking at them but wanted to see how they are being used and get some ideas. Would love to camp but work schedules just won't let us.

    There is an RV show at the BJCC that weekend which is bringing us over your way.

    Thanks for the consideration

    Randy and Diane