Forum Discussion

mikeflys's avatar
May 14, 2015


My wife and I are espressohalics. Years ago we gave up Starbucks and all the others in favor of a high quality home system. Our 24 foot TT just doesn't have the counter space needed to bring out full system with us. I have found a product that makes a fair imitation of espresso, the Aeropress. I have a nice stove top steamer for frothing milk. My problem now is I need a good quality grinder that is small enough to a bring along, wont break the bank and can produce a consistent grind. I am thinking of a turkish style hand grinder, any other suggestions?
  • I can take or leave Starbucks, but I love they pay their employees a decent wage, health care and free college education. Don't mind helping out when I can.
  • magnusfide wrote:
    Most electric grinders at places such as Walmart and Kmart work well. We have one that's still going strong after 14 years: bought it at Walmart for $10. We use it to grind heavy duty dry dog food, cat food and occasionally nuts.

    I hope you don't get offended by cannot get a consistent fine espresso grind with a $10 coffee grinder. Im sure you are referring to a open top blade grinder. While this would work fine for dog food, it is not even close to good enough for espresso. We have one of these now, several actually. One for my wifes flax seed, one for dry spices. Works ok for pour over type coffee, good espresso needs a great grinder.
  • Most electric grinders at places such as Walmart and Kmart work well. We have one that's still going strong after 14 years: bought it at Walmart for $10. We use it to grind heavy duty dry dog food, cat food and occasionally nuts.
  • I have a Cuisenart at home and I have thought of bringing it. But I am hoping to find something a little smaller that is well under $100.00. Yes I want my cake and I want to eat it too!
  • There are a lot of decent electric grinders. We carry a Cuisinary in our trailer that works just fine. Of course we also carry our Starbucks espresso machine we bought maybe 10 years ago. Use a Compresso at home