Sep 17, 2017Nomad
New manual lever espresso maker
We do a lot of boon docking and my bride thrives on Soy Cappuccinos in the morning. Now my wife very used to very good espresso from high end coffee houses. We purchase a ROK unit to make espresso shots with and had about 10% success. They would come out bitter, or it would curdle the steamed soy, or this, or that. So I went on to a barista forum and asked what their thoughts were and they were similar. One responder recommended the new unit below called a Flair. I purchased one and when it got here we whipped up some espresso and it comes out perfect each time. I actually tossed out the first two shots and got six or seven right after that. Highly recommend getting one if you like legit espresso....I, of course don't drink espresso, I drink what Juan Valdez drinks, black coffee from a French Press or a single cup drip.............