Well done!
You might try using cold water and extending your fermentation times for more flavor. If you're using instant yeast there's no need to bloom the yeast with warm water. Besides, warm water can make the dough somewhat sticky. Did you use any steam to set the crust? Did you use a wash? What flour are you using? It makes a HUGE difference to use something like Guisto's or Central Milling instead of a grocery-store brand.
I'd love to see what the insides of those look like! That's a high-hydration formula and should produce some nice voids within the bread.
I retire from behind the stove in a few months and looking forward to it but I'll still keep making bread (and pizza dough!).
If you like experimenting I recommend these books: Breads from the LaBrea Bakery by Nancy Silverman, The Village Baker by Joe Ortiz, or anything by Peter Reinhart, with his Breadbaker's Apprentice one of my favorites.
Breadheads unite!