dedmiston wrote:
Share some pictures of your loaves when you get a chance. It's always fun to see other people's creations. What do you do with your loaves? Are they just for home or do you give them away?
Awesome! You've clearly been doing it for a while and have a great idea of new directions!
I worked as a pastry chef and executive chef at various places for about 20 years, and for the last 23 years (since January 1, 2000) I've been teaching Culinary, first for the US Navy and then at a college here in NORCAL/Wine Country. Even so I've always considered bread to be a hobby, something I'll do at home even after cooking all day.
I taught from home for about a year including my baking class. Here's just a quick video of the egg bread ending. There are several videos before this outlining the various steps in mixing and shaping. Yes, that's a cast iron loaf pan. :-)