Forum Discussion

LynnandCarol's avatar
Jun 26, 2016

Making Canadian Bacon

We have gotten allot of information via the net, but any additional helpful information from someone who has brined/smoked a pork loin to make Canadian bacon would be most welcome before we actually do it this coming holiday weekend!
  • Not sure what the difference is between Canadian Bacon and a good bone in smoked ham?
  • I think you have plenty of info here to get you going. I recommend getting the book by Rytek Kutas called "Great Sausage Recipes and Meat Curing". This book as every thing you need to make tons of yummy stuff. If you make the brine above, you could also use the same brine for whole chicken. Then smoke/cook the chicken to 152 degrees at the joint where the drum stick meets the thigh.......very yummy!
  • Peameal Bacon-I have been making this for years using this recipe

    I make the Peameal Bacon.
    Pork loin 1/2 teaspoon of Morton Tender Quick per pound of pork 1/2 teaspoon of sugar per pound of pork Mix together and rub into pork loin Place loin in a plastic bag and seal. Refrigerate and allow to cure for 3-5 days Remove from cure and allow to soak in cool water for 30 minutes Pat Dry Then roll in corn meal.( I put corn meal on wax paper and roll. Depending on how big the pork loin is will determine how much corn meal.) Then slice and fry.
  • I've made it a few times. It's very good.
    I dry cure my loins. Rule of thumb is 2 days curing time per inch of thickness. I then add 2 to 3 days curing time to insure the cure gets to the center of the loin. Measure your cure carefully. I use a gram scale for all my cures.

    You can also do a immersion cure. Use 1 TBS of cure #1 per gallon of water add your salt, sugar and mix well. I would still use the same curing time as a dry cure. You can inject the brine into the loin to insure a more even cure.