I would get a thermometer to check the set temp when using the convection part. We have had 3 (major RV brand) in just over 3 years all under warranty. One was 125 degrees below set temp, one just stopped working while preheating, and the last one was 100 degrees below set temp and the door seal is broken. This was a big problem for us since we do not have a traditional oven. Contrary to most convection cooking directions, I had to turn up the temp 25% and cook 25% longer. We are replacing it with a GE Cafe microwave/convection in hopes that it performs better. Generally, you cook 25% less time and at 25% lower temp. You will have to experiment to see how it cooks and you will have a better idea when you know the actual temp with the set temp and you can adjust your temp/cooking time based on that.