So much fun in a dutch oven. Your biggest mistake will be lifting the cover to look at it. The heat escapes and you have to start over. Slow is the secret. Do use some sort of seasoning to start. You can buy dozens of flavors. We like Mohito Lime. Cut up a white onion or two and put them in with the meat. It is almost impossible to over cook but easy to under cook.
This can be a fun all day event with the right amount of beer and fire pit stories. If you use coals you need about a half dozen on the bottom and top.
I subscribe to the two up and two down method for baking but you are slow slow cooking. A bit over 200 and you will have plenty of admirers. If you see steam trying to excape it is a bit too hot. Turn the oven physically in 1/3 circles to distribute heat. Turn the top too and keep a few coals on top.
Take 6 to 8 hours to enjoy the process.
Steam some tortillias, grill some onions and peppers. Pour off the liquid from the oven and tear the meat apart. Add more spices. Make some campground friends.
This is how I cook a Thanksgiving Turkey. A bit more heat but not much.