After playing around with French press coffee in the rig as a way to make coffee by just boiling water on the stove it was apparent that results were pretty good. Getting rid of the grounds is easy if you keep a fine hand strainer to dump them out into. Make getting rid of the grounds real easy.
That's not for my main point, though. French press coffee is nothing more that cowboy coffee. All you are doing is soaking the grounds in hot water for a while and then using the "press" to push the grounds to the bottom so that you can pour out a cup without any grounds getting in the cup. That press does not push down on those wet grounds in the bottom of the French press to somehow impart some magical property to make a wonderful cup of coffee. You don't need a French press !
All you have to do is steep those grounds in hot water for, say, five minutes and then dump that coffee water into your cup through a fine hand strainer. I've been using a large glass measuring cup that holds four cups (32 oz) with some additional room at the top so that grounds can be put into the measuring cup without over flowing the water. And you have a pour spout, too, by using a measuring cup.