Super_Dave wrote:
If you want a quality smoker, I recommend you buy a home smoker and a camping smoker. My bare minimum standards for a home smoker would be a little big for being mobile.
I agree. I've smoked in many different smokers and on all fuels and to be truthful there isn't a lot of difference. I know that TV tends to send a different message, but they just try to keep the emphasis on the rubs and timing and not the fuel.
The only unit, IMO, that works well in an RV is Brinkman Gourmet. It breaks down so that the largest piece is the barrel, they can be charcoal or electric (the electric unit isn't as efficient as most), you can also use it as a grill. Once you put the charcoal, tools, and the grills and pans inside you're left with two units that can be stored separately.
I have this one in the 5er. I I replaced the leg bolts and use SS bolts with wing nuts so I can take the legs off to store it. If I had the room I would prefer the full size one however.