Forum Discussion

Super_Dave's avatar
Feb 04, 2017

Super Bowl Brisket

The brisket for Super Bowl Sunday is officially underway.
Trimmed and mustard rub.

My rub is Wild Bill's Great Basin rub, garlic powder, onion powder, kosher salt and black pepper.

The brisket gets injected with beef broth concoction. I now smoke with the fat cap down and cover the non fat cap side with some fat trimmings to render into the meat.

Plan is to put the brisket on about 11:00 to midnight tonight with some hickory, oak and apple.
  • Dean,
    This was a 15 pound packer brisket. I smoked it at 225. Injecting it and cooking it until done versus a predetermined internal will yield a tender and moist brisket. Hard to avoid some of the flat being dry but most of it will be delicious. I start testing at 195 with a toothpick.