Forum Discussion

path1's avatar
Aug 08, 2013

Volcano stove and Dutch ovens

(only 2 posts come in search and don't address question) For those that like to cook around the fire and have a Volcano stove. How do you like it? Is it built sturdy enough for Dutch oven use most of the time? Legs look weak to me. Would you buy another?
My thinking might be faulty but with the propane option and use a griddle for stove top cooking and Dutch Oven cooking in base. Of course not at the same time.
Any ideas?

couple short vids if Volcano stove is new to you, as it is me.
RV down under with stove and good looking bird, RV's

(company vids)
  • I don't have one, but was curious after reading your post, and I see on the volcano website that if you order directly from them right now you get a free lid.....just thought I'd share.
  • I have the Volcano and have come to really enjoy it. I have used it extensively for a year with both charcoal, propane and wood. The legs are sturdier than they look, I have cooked several large gumbos in my DO without any concern over the weight. I brought mine to the hunting camp last year to give it a workout and 3 of my buddies promptly ordered their own.
    Now I have found that for me lump charcoal works better than briquets but that is just me, I guess I am just used to the lump when using my Big Green Egg.
    Is it perfect, no but what I was looking for was a compact grill/stove that would not take up much room in the coach and give me great versatility, it does that.
  • I have a Cobb, but I just haven't been able to get comfortable with it. As far as the DO goes, I'm in the lid and under gang also, carefully spaced and numbered to achieve the temps I need.
    For charcoal I like this.
    Smoke and grill single
    Atop this one for grilling and sometimes DO cooking.
  • When using my d.o. I use the lid and bottom coals method. The Volcano is a favorite with some cast iron chefs but when I saw one demo-ed, I realized it didn't fit my style of dutch ovening.

    My lighter weight/small d.o fits nicely on my Cobb grill. The Cobb is my favorite because you can roast a chicken with only 8-10 briquettes as well as grill items without flare-ups. It's light weight, portable and handy for my style of outdoor cooking. It has gained in popularity around the cast iron chefs but again, it depends on what you cook and how you like to function in your outdoor kitchen.

    Here's more info on the Cobb if you're interested in comparing the two.
  • I have had the collapsible version for several years and have only used it once or twice. It's too heavy and awkward for me to handle (mostly the emptying part). I have the propane option and have never used it.

    I would not buy this stove/grill again.

    It VERY well made. Legs are not a problem - very sturdy.
  • I own 1 and love it. If treated right they should last many years. I did build a box to hold mine and keep it all together as I have the propane option as well. Works great with a DO. Propane option is great when you have a large pot to heat. I have had mine for 3 years. My sons have had theirs for 2 years. Very versatile. The only limiting issue is the small grill area should you be grilling for a crowd.
    Would I buy another? Yes.