What a nice, friendly and informative post. This was why I joined this forum. The posts propted me to think about the early days, pre-70's, when the DW and I first took our 4 and 5 year old daughters camping. We had a borrowed car, tent, stove and chilly bin. I had a plastic bucket with a pan or two, scrubber, comet and silverware sitting in a Warner skillet. That was our kitchen. Sharon brought some Melmac (the real stuff), and plastic cups and we cooked breakfast, lunch(occasionaly, usually sanwiches) and dinner outside on a wood fire.
I'm 70 something and the DW and I have been together for over 50 years and we are camping in a MoHo and rediscovering cooking outside on the wood fire, thanks to our Grandkids. My GD, age 13 going on 24, loves pears. Well she decided she would do pears on a hotdog fork for desert. She had no idea that it was impossible. She just did it and very well I might add. Those pears were better than s'mores. The 11 year old GS is the head cook for his scout patrol(his specialty is Bacon, Bacon and more Bacon and when necessary, hot dogs).
I guess my point is sometimes we forget we're still young and clever and imaginative. The DGKs sure bring that out in you. They are doing some of the cooking now and we like 'US out West"s wife are sitting down enjoying the view.
Thank you all for being so positive.