DH didn't grow up camping, so he had a bit of a learning curve. The first time we took the kids(3,5,& 11) camping, we had a tent and sleeping bags. Our friends had invited us and promised to help. When we got up to the campsite my youngest son promptly vomited all over himself and me. He continued while DH and the friends set up our camp. About 5am, DS started wailing and wouldn't go back to sleep. DH and I got up with him and went outside, where it was blowing hard. For some reason, DH thought he should start a campfire. He put about 8 logs on the fire and in short order he had quite a conflagration. The wind was blowing the fire sideways and I was afraid he would set the whole woods on fire! I made him put that out and while he was stumbling around he clipped his shin on the metal fire grate. It really laid it open, too. When the sun came up we left the kids with the friends and headed into down to find a doctor and a tetanus shot! By the time we got back to camp, my 5yr old had fallen into the creek twice and had used up all her clean clothes. She was walking around in a man's Tshirt and no underwear. Really, it was a wonder we every went camping again!