Forum Discussion

woodtrucker's avatar
Jun 19, 2018

Opintions on a chaser car

Guys I have gotten some REALLY great comments on my other post about westward travel but nobody hit on this much so I wanted to throw another post out separately.

What are people's thoughts about taking a chaser vehicle (something very economical) out west with us. My quadcab with suicide doors is just pretty tight for 5 of us and I'm trying to think of how I can keep my dream truck and still do this trip comfortably.

I also thought about renting a car when we get there to have something a little more versatile for sightseeing from base camp.

Another option was to bite the bullet and upgrade to at least 4 door regular doors in a duramax or megacab cummins.
  • Upgrade the truck. Unless you already have a suitable car it means purchasing something and this is a perfect excuse to buy now your next truck.