Forum Discussion

Yosemite_Sam1's avatar
Mar 01, 2021

Resuming Rving... ideas dealing with Covid.

We never really stopped but limited to trips to nearby campsites.

Previously, we make multi-state camping trips.

This time with Covid and having those low-compliance (actually, defiant) states on health protocols, planning looks very challenging -- almost impossible not to stop on those states from West to East trip. We've already completed the West from Mexico border into Canada (Victoria BC and Vancouver).

Or maybe re-do the West Coast until Covid is actually under control and vaccination reached mass immunity (70 to 80%), seen to be about fall.

Any ideas from better minds around here?
  • I shop early...very early...for groceries thereby avoiding crowded markets. I wear plastic gloves when getting fuel, carefully strip those off and use a hand sanitizer kept in the driver's door. And unfortunately I stay away from others 10 feet.
  • RV'ing is great for social distancing, we did a 2000 mile trip last fall and didn't get within 20 feet of another person. When we needed groceries, we had Instacart leave them on the picnic table outside.
  • YOU just mask up, social distance, wash your hands and go about your travels

    Not really much difference then going grocery shopping, going to fuel station, going to doctors, etc etc etc

    YOU can control your encounters but you will never be able to control the fools

    As for food delivery...........have no control over WHO is making it, delivering it etc
    I'll do my own shopping and cooking as I can control it vs someone (who knows who)
  • YOU just mask up, social distance, wash your hands and go about your travels

    Not really much difference then going grocery shopping, going to fuel station, going to doctors, etc etc etc

    YOU can control your encounters but you will never be able to control the fools
  • Have the vaccination. Then consider the viral load in the locations you wish to visit. Plan the route accordingly.

    There is a clear case that high population centers (cities) have more transmission than lower population.

    Take precautions such as using disposable gloves when buying fuel.

    If you stay in campgrounds, sanitize as much as possible.

    If possible, have food delivered to your RV rather than going into stores.
  • We have had to leave our home state to enjoy any RVing, primarily AZ and TX we have been about a dozen times since the onset of Covid, no problem with catching the virus as we follow CDC protocols. Have also been to UT and CO a couple of times as well during the pandemic, again we didn't fret as we wear our masks and dutifully sanitize our hands anytime we leave our rig.

    My DW and 3 DDs all are nurses who have dealt with covid positive patients from the get go, never caught covid as they follow protocols, they go through testing weekly, all have received their vaccinations months ago. With so many events we are heading out to PHX for a couple of weeks, hiding out in out rig is the last thing we want to do, playing it smart keeps us safe.
  • I'm looking forward to when I can get vaccinated but I agree with jdc1. This will be hard to get real immunity. I want to see more therapeutics but we don't hear much about them now that there's a vaccine. Ideally, I'd like to see the virus mutate numerous times because that weakens the strains and makes them much more survivable.
  • jdc1's avatar
    Explorer II
    I'll start by addressing "immunity". I'm really not sure immunity from this virus can be accomplished. Many people have contracted it numerous times. Maybe, over time, we can build anti-bodies to ward it off, but, for the time being..... The vaccine is only to reduce the effects of the virus. It does not contain the virus itself. Lastly, i, like millions of others, want my life back to normal. I have received both doses of the Phizer vaccine. I am now willing to venture beyond my doorstep.