garmp1 wrote:
We were told, in 2007 on a trip to Minnesota with another van camper couple that we could not occupy the same site with two "RV" units unless some one slept in a tent. We got two sites, no big deal to us, but a strange rule. We asked if we went to wally world and bought a tent and erected it on our site could we, the two couple in two vans, occupy the same site. The answer was "of course". I don't understand, nor pretend to know.
In MO State Parks the general rule is three roofs, not counting a kitchen fly/table canopy.
IMO, when you run into something like the above, it's because a camphost or employee has interpreted the rules to fit their own pre-determined opinion.
In all my time camping in NFS campgrounds, I have always been able to have my clipper and a friend's tiny chinook (the old dinky style) in one campsite as long as the pad could fit both vehicles. I was always able to have the chinook in my single campsite when I used the SUV & TT (only once I moved the SUV to an overflow parking area). However, at one campground, the camphost said it wasn't allowed and that you could only have one "sleeper" vehicle per campsite. Fortunately, we had already been there for two nights and had only one night left so he "let us get away with it". I have not been back to that campground as there are better ones nearby that don't interpret the "two vehicles" rules in that way.