The thunderstorms did not wash away all of our icy snow.
During afternoon chores we found two more sets of triplets and a set of twins.
One of the triplets got cold after birth and was shivering bad and not getting up. We moved mom and her 3 ram lambs to a pen (evicting the present tenants). I could not get the cold lamb to nurse (a belly full of warm milk would take care of the chill). We took the lamb inside (our dogs were VERY interested) to dry and warm it by a space heater and then we gave it warm diluted
Nutri-Drench (fructose, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids). We then returned the lamb to mom and helped it get started nursing. After our dinner, the lamb was up on its feet nursing on its own.
8 sets of triplets
9 sets of twins
1 single
1 still born (1st lamb born this season)
19 ewes have lambed out of 65-70 ewes we think are bred
43 lambs
ca. 230% lambing percentage
6 days into 30 days of lambing