Saturday my wife moved 20 pregnant ewes to another field so they could graze; one of these ewes delivered twins. Later in the day I took Eve into that field to gather the ewes to return them to the barnyard for the night. I recorded her gathering the pregnant ewes and the ewe with the twins. Unfortunately our internet connection has not been good enough for me to upload this video for me to post (I've tried multiple times Saturday & Sunday).
Sunday I went out for my morning check and found one of the triplets cold and lethargic. I brought the lamb in to warm up and I gave it warmed Nutri-Drench. When I brought the lamb back to mom it was still too lethargic to nurse, even with me hold it up to the utter. I warmed up a bottle of lamb milk replacer but it wouldn't drink much. So I tube fed the lamb as much warm milk replacer as it could take (it had a fully belly). The lamb never did respond to the warming and feeding, and eventually died. This ewe has delivered triplets two years in a row and has lost a lamb each year; this ewe is now on the cull list.
9 sets of triplets
10 sets of twins
1 single
1 still born
1 died