Two more sets of twins and two singles.
Triplets: 12 sets
Twins: 39 sets
Singles: 11
Still born: 3
Died: 5
120 live lambs
63 ewes lambed out of 76
Lambing will end sometime this week based upon when we pulled the rams off the ewes.
We came home from the store to find a lamb out of the field. It was cold, hunched up and lethargic. We gathered the flock off the field (not an easy task for the dogs) and found the mother but not her other lambs. We put the ewe and the cold lamb in a pen with a heat lamp; I gave the lamb some nutri-drench. We then search the lambs looking for the two with the correct ear tag numbers to rejoin the family unit in the pen. I am warming some milk to warm the weak lamb and to feed the bottle lamb.