Later in the day the cold/weak lamb was alert and up. The siblings were much bigger than the weak triplet. I went to bed feeling preaty good about saving the lamb only to wake up on the morning to find it dead.
We had two more singles.
Triplets: 12 sets
Twins: 39 sets
Singles: 13
Still born: 3
Died: 6
121 live lambs
65 ewes lambed out of 76
Preparations are now being made for whelping BJ; we can feel puppies moving in her belly. We've borrowed a whelping box and started collecting news papers. Most of our dogs have been moved back up to the milk house/kennel, except for BJ, Nell, and Tally; my wife and I need a dog each for chores. She goes in Friday for xrays to count puppies (our vet does not have ultrasound equipment). We'll drive by the E-Vet to make sure we know how to get there (if needed we'll be using a new/closer E-Vet).