Forum Discussion

  • I had to look it up: GoPros run from $200-400. Tell Calvin that will buy a lot of his favorite snacks.

    Prices will always go down. I suspect that the red button flashes and that's like a laser light to some cats.

    Love that pic too. Reminds me of photo bombs. Apparently they have 4 dogs and 4 cats and they seem to be good budds... a lesson to the world.
  • magnusfide wrote:
    ...This gray tabby, known on the Web as “Manny the Selfie” cat, tops that news (in a decidedly more cheerful way). The snap-happy pet learned to press the button on his owner’s Go Pro himself, and the rest is Instagram — and viral Internet — history....

    Thanks, A LOT! Not showing Boy this thread. But just in case, how much is one of those "Go Pro" thing-ah-ma-jigs?


    PS Absolutely love this photo ....

    ... too funny!