Forum Discussion

525pilly's avatar
Apr 27, 2015

A sad day

We had an empty birdhouse stored on a shelf on the patio. A month or so ago my wife was going to hang it, and was surprised by a bird flying out and hitting her face. There were three eggs in the house. She carefully put it back, and we watched "Mama Bird" as she came and went. We put some seed out for her, and watched her busily bringing bugs to here brood.
We eventually heard chirping and knew the babies were growing. A couple of days ago they came out, and we really enjoyed watching them as they flew around the yard. All three had hatched.
Yesterday one got in the house, and we were quite amused when it fluffed its feathers in defiance as we tried to guide it out.
Today was a very sad day for us, my wife found two of the babies drowned in a pond. They are now buried, with tears, under the arbor where they liked to perch.
  • Awww, I'm so sorry. I know things occur in nature that sometimes seems so sad, but that often doesn't soften the pain. Well, maybe that mama bird will have a new nest nearby someday and you can witness more fledglings ending up happy.
  • Sorry the "Circle of Life" was cut short for your baby birds.

    I live on a lake, and like you, we have some birds (waterfowl) who've become neighborhood mascots, particularly "Mama Duck" who nests up close to a house for protection, and always seems to keep her dozen ducklings safe from harm. For whatever reason, this Spring "Tyson" - a huge domestic goose, decided he was Top Dog - and killed a Mallard drake who was wooing Mama Duck... then Tyson proceeded to, um... well, if you've ever witnessed ducks breeding, it's kind of brutal. Glad Mama Duck wasn't drowned. So Tyson was on a testosterone-fueled rampage.... and then he disappeared. And the big cob Mute Swan who nests about 200' away was seen in the area. All we can figure is that Mr Bada$$ Tyson decided to take on the swan..... and lost.

    We call it "Duck Drama"
  • It's true, the survival rate for the first few days of a baby bird's life is very small. We read that info after we put up a bunch of birdhouses and then realized we had created a crow and blue jay buffet. :E However, I choose to believe they are very soon reincarnated and will be back shortly. Who's going to prove me wrong?
  • I've seen that too, including hummers killing babies so the female wants to mate again. As a photographer spending many hours observing wildlife, I have seen male birds drown another male too. Nature is tough on youngsters. There were days where I went home unsure about photographing these things again. Many don't survive.

    I am so sorry!
  • I am so sorry for the loss of two of your feathered friends that you watched since they hatched---even before; when they were in the eggs. It would have hit me hard too. :-(
  • I'm sorry you had to witness such a loss. However, I've seen blue jays, grackles, and crows drowning baby birds in puddles. They must have pulled them from unprotected nests. Young bird parents have to learn,(the hard way) safe places to raise their clutches.