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campn4walleye's avatar
Sep 03, 2013

anal gland problem

Hello All,

2 weeks ago, I found that my weim (almost 13)was licking his anal area constantly. I checked his backside and expressed his anal glands. I got dark blood out of both! I know it was blood, not the usual matter that comes out. He has never had anal gland issues before. I consulted our vet, who suggested warm compresses. It didn't help, so took him in for an exam. She really couldn't find anything wrong, but put him on antibiotics.

It's been almost a week on them and he's still licking. Any experience with the same issue? I'm really getting worried and everything is soaked by his licking. ICK!
  • dturm wrote:
    These can be really frustrating.

    If it is anal sac, I like to instill an ointment (like panalog or otomax) into the gland. It can be done with no sedation with a cooperative dog. A blunt needle (no point on it) or a curved tip syringe or other similar device is threaded into the external duct and the material injected into the gland. This treats infection and the cortisone in the ointment reduces inflammation and itching.

    Doug, DVM

    I went to a vet who did the same thing for Bella...that was her third abscess and she never had another one after he had infused the gland with the antibiotic after expression/flushing....Izzy has had numerous anal gland abscesses and I have asked our vet to infuse the gland and she won't....she doesn't think its effective...unfortunately the fellow who did the infusion has passed away or I would take Izzy to him... Wish you were closer Dr Doug :)

    both of the wees had obvious gland abscesses, you did not have to wonder what was the problem.
  • Here's an update:
    Consulted with the vet this morning...she called to check up.

    She suggested an E collar and some Benadryl a couple times a day for about a week. The thought is, just in case he has itch causing this or if it has become a habit, then we'll try to change the behavior. After that, he be reassessed.

    Let's hope this works.
  • My daughter's lab did this and it was a reaction to the flea/tic medication he was on. He had been on it for several months before this reaction. It must have been an accumulative thing. They discovered it by accident as in final desperation my daughter stopped giving him anything including the flea/tic (did give his heartworm) and by the time the med was 30 days passed due, this had stopped. He had licked so much he also lost the hair off his butt. Don't know, but sometimes you can take a med with no problem and develop an allergy later. Strange thing was, it only seemed to bother his butt. No problem since as long as he is not given any flea/tic med of any kind (so far so good - no fleas or tics either).
  • Yes, bowel movements are well formed, soft but not overly, normal color, no blood or mucous. I guess another vet trip is warranted.

    This will be his 4th in 6 weeks. He's had a bladder infection and then got really sick, but seemed to recover after another run of antibiotics. His WBC was 15000 at that time. I know he's older, but things seem to keep creeping up, without any answers. He's never been an OCD type of dog, but I need to get this in hand before a trend sets in.

    I may get a second opinion. Thanks for the replies.
  • Is his poop solid? I was told it helps purge the sacs.
    Good luck.
  • These can be really frustrating.

    First thing is to make sure it really is an anal sac problem. I've seen severe flea allergy with minimal evidence of fleas acting like this. There can be rectal problems and sometime the licking becomes like an OCD problem. The fact that you got an abnormal discharge the first time leads me to think your evaluation is probably correct.

    If it is anal sac, I like to instill an ointment (like panalog or otomax) into the gland. It can be done with no sedation with a cooperative dog. A blunt needle (no point on it) or a curved tip syringe or other similar device is threaded into the external duct and the material injected into the gland. This treats infection and the cortisone in the ointment reduces inflammation and itching.

    Keep talking with your vet, you should be able to figure something out :B

    Doug, DVM
  • That's the problem...there's no heat, swelling or redness. Nothing to indicate an abscess, including drainage.
  • I'd take him back to the vet. Obviously it is bothering him. Some dogs get little tumors back there. If the anal gland abscessed and ruptured, a fistula can form.

    Hopefully you can get some answers to keep him comfortable.