Pancreatitis is a serious problem not to be taken lightly. My dog Had a couple of bouts with it while on the road. Almost lost him. IV's intensive care etc.
It's a delicate balance between liver, kidneys when the pancreas becomes inflamed.
Whatever you do don't let the vet suggest Omeprazole, or other brand otc to relieve any bloating. They contain Xylitol which causes liver failure. I would also take a look at the whipped cream can and see if it had xylitol in it. Albeit not all are required to list it. Deadly to pets.
I spent months looking for a dog food that still had grains in it and low fat and low protein.
Blue Life Protection Formula was the only one that fit the bill.
My dog that almost died? Is alive and well because I switched him to that dog food.
All this hype of 'no grain' dog foods and everyone running to buy it has seeped into the brains of vets too. Who btw are not trained nutritionists.
Just look at the protein/fat levels in these 'no grain' foods they are off the charts! Most of them have way more protein and fat than what the average at rest house dog needs. Give it to a small breed dog and multiply the problem. Making livers and kidneys working overtime. We've all seen dogs throw up hours after eating and the food is still in kibble form.
During my dog's episode IMHO I found switching to another product while he was recuperating just exasperated the situation making recovery time even longer. We don't suddenly change food when they are well to prevent upset stomachs so why do it when they are debilitated?
I quit the whole switch to rice, eggs, Hills ID, etc that the vets suggest that was not helping him improve.
I took his kibble (Blue Life Protection Formula) and put it in a smoothie blender until powered. I then add water to that and make my own canned consistently dog food.
Small meals thru out the day that digest 'readily' and 'faster' than kibble. Thereby giving the pancreas a time to rest and recuperate.
He is doing so good and no more pancreas episodes that since he is 14....I have kept him on THIS way of serving him his Blue Life Protection formula dog food. It's his very own canned dog food of his dry kibble!
Glad your little guy is doing better. There's chronic pancreatitus and then episodic. Let's hope your little guy's was just because of that shot of whipped cream! And check the protein/fat of which formula of Blue you are feeding. Then check out the Life Protection formula, yellow bag.:C