That does seem to describe them pretty well. Except the map shows they are in Florida. . . I'm here to tell ya' . . . they are here in Texas, too!
Butterscotch has recovered well and the welts are almost totally gone from her tummy. I, however, am still nursing three welts from ones that stung me while I was bathing her. Grrrr.....
I have had two friends tell me to use clorox. And one has three little dogs in their motorhome. He said the clorox neutralizes the sting and it works for both people and dogs. He said not to saturate the sting, but just to dab a bit of clorox on it and it will do the trick. We don't have any clorox, but we're going to get some and try that the next time. I have a new stick of Afterbite and it helps, but doesn't totally get rid of it.
Thanks, everyone!