Forum Discussion

dturm's avatar
Feb 27, 2018

Blue Buffalo sold to Cheerios

Minneapolis-based food conglomerate General Mills is buying Wilton, Conn.-based Blue Buffalo Co., maker of Blue Buffalo pet food, for roughly $8 billion in cash in a deal expected to be completed by May.

I hope general mills changes advertisement philosophy and makes it more "honest."
  • NCC-1701 wrote:
    Blue is the only dog food I've ever tried that had my dog doing the "runs" no matter how slowly I tried to introduce it by mixing. Soft stools started the day after I started to mix it and after three weeks, I dropped it. Next day, all was well again. Surprised me, but there sure was something in it that didn't agree with my GSD's system.

    We fed BB for a few years, our dogs loved it but suddenly our Lab Lucy started losing her hair, my first thought was her food but the other two were not affected.
    However we stopped feeding BB and within a week we found that her bald spots were filling back in so it was obviously the cause.
    Will never go back to it...this is a mild reaction compared to many other stories so I feel lucky that is all Lucy suffered.

  • Blue is the only dog food I've ever tried that had my dog doing the "runs" no matter how slowly I tried to introduce it by mixing. Soft stools started the day after I started to mix it and after three weeks, I dropped it. Next day, all was well again. Surprised me, but there sure was something in it that didn't agree with my GSD's system.
  • Hope G.M. can keep their ingredients and packaging on the right track.
    Would hate to get a surprise when I poured my cereal in the bowl.
  • Blue Buffalo has ingredients sourced from China....(not for our dog).
    We are feeding: Go! Fit + Free Grain-Free Chicken, Turkey & Trout Recipe Adult.